Saturday, November 6, 2021

positivity journal 2021:10


late due to general busyness and tiredness. shrug

oct 1: i knew i would like the counting crows show, but i hadn’t been prepared for frank turner
oct 2: “i wrote the story about cauliflower” is not how i ever expected to introduce myself to a musical artist i admire, but here we are
oct 4: “fear does not prevent death. it prevents life.– naguib mahfouz

oct 6: got stuck in tunnel and car ahead of me was cranking rem with the windows down. so i turned down my radio and listened to theirs
oct 7: mochi twinkies at lunch, dr pepper clone cocktail for dinner 
oct 8: omg coffee
oct 9: facilitated someone else’s knife shopping 
oct 10: i bought tech without bothering jeremy bowers

oct 11: was excited to break out hoodie to wear on walk to work, but it was too soon 
oct 12: i have never wanted to go out to lunch more than when joe yonan was telling me how much he wanted to go out to lunch 
oct 13: i wore long pants to work, but i had a good reason
oct 14: when editing, whenever i read ellicott city i say it to the tune of paradise city. and then i add the riffs at the end. i can't help it, and i wouldnt if i could
oct 15: i appreciate how happy the guy at the salad place is when i walk in 

oct 16: bought plums because they looked good 
oct 17: soundtrack at bbq joint was 3 pink floyd songs, 2 zeppelin, a doors and a beatles and i think i know a lot about the owner 
oct 18: now the hoodie feels right 
oct 19: phil leppert and i had lunch and gave the restaurant a recipe

oct 21: it was take your coffee to work day. at least for me
oct 22: realized “seaside” is an anagram of “disease” and feel confident that can’t be a coincidence 
oct 23: decided to take today off from adding to this list

oct 24: chicken and dumplings
oct 25: i remembered how to print things at work. it isn't as easy as it sounds

oct 26: extra curricular copy editing 
oct 27: managed to not embarrass myself in a conversation about taylor swift with tara mccarty. i think
oct 28: montenegro on the patio on a cool night
oct 29: actually met daniela galarza irl
oct 30: sat on couch next to window. heard people on sidewalk talking. smelled what they were smoking. wait … my headache is gone!

oct 31: breakfast with alara and lawrence and somehow we never stopped talking about deshaun watson, whoever that is

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