i dunno. but here is this, and there are cats

jul 2: “they tried to bury us. they didn’t know we were seeds”
jul 3: a lap around the outside of nationals park is 3/4 of a mile. so i took 2
jul 4: dispatched 11 pounds of cherries for future use
jul 5: drove an hour and a half to get a burger, confident i would not see anyone i knew, only to arrive at precisely the moment john taylor showed up
jul 7: officially reached the point that they let me in the stadium even if i was inadvertently left off the list
jul 8: can’t figure out what the reality level of talk of impromptu road trip to maine for lobster rolls with tammy and jenna is
jul 9: saw scott drewno while i was walking and got to pet his great dane, agnes, who is a very tall dog. while doing that, someone with a giant german shepherd walked by, and luckily they got along
jul 10: theme of meditation app today was cats
jul 11: while walking around convention center, saw guy wearing “stay home” t-shirt. give it a second
jul 12: decided against cooking over the weekend. i needed a distraction from my typical distraction
jul 13: i wear a mask even though i don't like to, but i do love, when i get home, the feeling of taking it off in the air conditioning. it makes the ac feel colder
jul 14: i was in second spot on assembly line and in first was a kitchen pro whose ocd complemented mine perfectly and i kept up with him all day
jul 15: watched treasure planet on disney+ strictly because the montage song is by the singer of the googoo dolls and subtitled "jim's theme"
jul 16: “when the student is ready, the teacher appears”
jul 17: my beard is now part of my peripheral vision
jul 18: slept till lunchtime. would do it again
jul 19: watched an episode of letterkenny in which the first 20 minutes was mostly about a white supremacist who came to town spouting his stupid, which was anxiety inducing, but the last 5 minutes of the show were the crew kicking the shit out of him and his ilk and it was sweet catharsis
jul 20: during walk, a 4-month-old bulldog attacked my ankle with her wet nose
jul 21: just another day at the ballpark
jul 23: question of the day in office slack channel was "who is most famous person you've met?" and i wasn't sure how to answer. eventually, went with billy joel
jul 24: after my emoji stream of consciousness happy birthday slack to tanya sichynsky revealed my inner truth that i wanted dumplings, i ordered dumplings at dinner
jul 25: while shuttling steven rich to chantilly for a lumber run, i found a persian market
jul 26: there’s a building on mass ave that seems abandoned and has a front yard that’s overgrown with mint. so whenever i walk past, i prune a bunch of it and come home and make iced tea
jul 27: 🌮🌮🌮
jul 28: the mask is making me much more aggressive when i’m lip syncing during walks
jul 29: sometimes, i think najah is just looking for attention, not treats, specifically. but she'll take the treats too
jul 30: interest in taylor swift album instantly increased exponentially when i realized all song titles were in lowercase
jul 31: old obsession: 10k steps; new obsession: closing all the circles, all the days, for a month. done. tired