here's what you do now:
1. Click here and click on "vote here" in the upper right corner.
2. Go through the registration process. they only require an e-mail address, zip code, birth date and some advertising opt-outs.
3. You will then get instructions to e-mail your vote to info@mariobatali.com. your subject line should say VOTE, and in the body of your message, put Jim Webster, five stars (if I may be so bold as to suggest your vote!)
That should be all I need. The site has had many problems so far, so this is a fall back for them. And there is a problem if you try to access through Firefox 3. If the site blocks you, or you encounter any other problems, please follow step 3 and add what problem you encountered to the message, in addition to the vote.
I'm not currently in position to advance, but I think it is totally within reach, if i can get a good push from last-minute voters between now and monday night.
And if you have voted already, thanks!
if you are just tuning in, i among seven quarterfinalists in the contest for my recipe, which includes orange-fennel sausage stuffed inside a butterflied pork tenderloin, which is wrapped in pancetta. if i am in the top three in voting, i move to the semifinals, and if i win there, i will win a trip to texas to cook with mario at a tailgate party.